Sunday, July 27, 2008

I love my church!

Sitting in worship today, God showed me again how important fellowship and worship is at the local assembly of believers. Now, I know that I am one of those people that have grown up in church. And I can probably count with my hands the number of times that I have missed more than a week at church, but I just can't feel right when I am not regularly gathering to celebrate the Savior.

That being said, is regular worship attendance a habit, discipline, a requirement, or some other action within the believer's life? I have the tendency to say Yes! That is, yes to all of the above! Going to church regularly is not always easy or convenient, and occasionally it is not what we really want to do. However, the blessing and growth that one receives through regular church attendance is undeniable.

So even though you may not want to go to church, exercise discipline and go because God desires our obedience.

My prayer today is that God would help me accomplish all that needs to be done for my family, at my church, and concerning my academics. God use me, work through me, and be glorified by me.

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