Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prayer for Our Nation and her people!

Is our nation the same as the nation of Israel in the Bible? No. Is our nation a "Christian" nation? No, probably not. Does God love our nation more than other nations? No, definitely not. Should we ignore what we believe or what is Truth, because some don't agree? No, absolutely not.

Our nation was founded on principles that are taken from the Bible by men that looked to God for direction. They wanted to form a nation that stood for truth and morality without forcing one group's beliefs on the others. Their desire to live for God and stand for Truth and follow the Bible didn't mean that they always got everything right. No, just like us today, there were mistakes and failures and second chances.

Somewhere in the midst of it all, Christians found themselves having drifted away from what God says is True and how the Bible says we ought to live. Churches stopped being the place where the Bible was preached, and it started trying to placate the world and society by compromising what God's Word says is Truth and Righteousness. As a result, all forms of sinfulness and immorality are seen as commonplace and acceptable. We wonder why our nation struggles in areas of economics, peace, and social justice. It is not primarily because more people are sinning. It is because Christians do not stand up for God's Word.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "and [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
The "MY PEOPLE" are Christians. We can't blame anyone else. WE must begin to be HUMBLE, PRAY, SEEK, and TURN. If we want to see this nation changed, Christians and Churches will have to begin the revival.

Today, I was one of a group of pastors, leaders, men, and women who signed a proclamation for morality at the State Capitol. I stood up with others who see our nation headed in a place that is opposite God, His Word, and the Truth of Jesus Christ. It is not that we hate anyone. It is because we so believe in the Word of God and what it says, that if we did not stand and let our voice be heard, we would be failing our Faith and would be dishonest with our hearts.

This nation, while it is definitely not perfect...This nation, while it is not a Theocracy...This nation, while it is still a bastion for freedom and liberty is Our Nation. And if we do not shore up our stances on moral things, we will lose what we believe. May God watch over us, May God give us strength to stand for Truth, May God save our land!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trusting in the Midst of the Unknown

I am one of those people that always likes to know what is coming around the corner. In fact, I can get extremely anxious when I don't know what is going to happen next. For instance, ever since childhood, I find myself trying to find out what I can expect to get on Christmas Day. I still remember sneaking into my parents closet and finding the portable CD player that I would be receiving the next week. I still was extremely excited when I opened it, and I made certain that the one that was giving the gift knew that I appreciated it, but I knew that it was coming.
(NOTE: I am not advocating the sneaking and opening of presents before they are given - children, do not try this at home.)

All this is to say that my personality really likes to know what is coming around the a fault. However, when we allow God to be in control, He does things in His time and in His way. The unknown surrounds us. You feel the presence of the Lord, and you know that He is working; but it is clouded in the unknown. This is one of the most beautiful times in the Christian's life. Yes, it is difficult and possibly frustrating and even unbearable. But it is here that Faith blossoms into a relational wonder between God and His children. When the outcome of a situation is visible and the unknown is discernible, there is very little faith required. Here, trusting in God simply means that you are knowledgeable of what God is doing and you will comply and follow Him. There is nothing wrong with this situation, and it is how many of the moments of our Christian life occur. But when you find yourself in the great unknown, and God's work and moving is cloudy and hidden in mystery, Faith is a much larger concept. Trusting in God just went from complying with what He is doing to completely placing your life in His hands. You must believe that He truly has the best plan for your life in His hands. Questions like, what will God do next? where does God want me to be? how can I serve? flood through your mind, and each time the answer is Unknown. Faith shows us that even though it is unknown to us, God does Know! He has always known and had it laid out and planned.

The Unknown has now become beautiful...It not only reveals how I can trust in the Lord, but it also displays in utter complexity how God is Faithful, Wise, Strong, Loving, and bigger than anything that I could ever know. Psalm 139 describes God's intimate knowledge and presence. "If I say, 'Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night.' Even the darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You." (v.11,12).

My Prayer: God, thank you for every unknown in my life. I have faith that You know. I will follow You into the uncertain and trust that Your will be done. God, let me experience Your hand as you guide me into the beautiful Unknown.